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Newsweek new AI policy is kicking into action

Newsweek's recently announced AI policy is kicking into gear. The 91-year-old publication says it is well along with integrating AI into its editorial process. It has custom-built an AI video production tool and set-up a new AI-focused Live News desk.

The Live News Editor is the one on the hook for making sure gen AI doesn’t insert fabrications into coverage. One might wonder whether checking an AI’s work is more laborious than having a human just do the reporting or rewriting themselves.

Still, bosses at Newsweek said that while the US of AI is not mandatory, staff writers and editors are being strongly encouraged to experiment — and upcoming newsroom hires will require a working knowledge of AI tools. Jennifer Cunningham, executive editor, speaking to Nieman Lab:

“We will continue to be transparent, and take accountability for any errors that occur, whether they’re human error or AI error, but fortunately, that hasn’t been something that we’ve had to deal with yet. I think it’s clear to the reader that we’re utilizing AI and that we’re being open and honest about our use of AI.”

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