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Small publishers will get deals too, OpenAI promises

AI GENERATED (Meta): "A veteran local newspaper journalist works at his desk."

OpenAI’s head of intellectual property and content, Tom Rubin, told an audience in Copenhagen that the AI giant would absolutely be looking to offer small publishers the same kind of handouts enjoyed by the likes of News Corp., the Financial Times and others.

According to UK publishing trade mag Press Gazette:

Rubin, formerly chief intellectual property strategy counsel at Microsoft, said it was “very important” that resources “don’t just go to large companies but that small, independent publications have the ability to learn and leverage the technology”.
He said despite OpenAI’s multiple partnerships so far “one of the things that we were very focused on is ensuring that the opportunity exists more broadly”.

Rubin also mentioned OpenAI had already donated “$5m” to the American Journalism Project to “help local newsrooms deploy the use of AI.” That has strong Google News Initiative vibes, to me, but let’s maybe keep an eye on it.